Treatment decisions are primarily and almost exclusively in the domain of the patient-doctor relationship. Politics has little place and should have little authority here. It's the physician responsibility to act in the best interest of the patient, and it's the patient's responsibility as a sovereign being to inform themselves as best they can and decide the best course of action. If the doctor doesn't act in the best interest of their patients, their license to practice medicine should be revoked... as a tangent, we elect judges to use their discretion when administering justice, so minimum sentencing laws are garbage and undermine the role of the judge. If we don't agree with how a judge rules, it's our duty to elect one that we deem to be more just, not to strip away their authority.
I'm not following the relevance of the no-show story. There's no such thing as holding someone responsible for disease. I've no doubt caused others to become ill before, and they get no compensation from me, and likewise I hold nobody else liable so long as there was no malicious intent. Disease is just a step outside our reasonable ability to control, and therefore be liable for.
"not taking this as seriously as his opponents" is a 1-sided and myopic view of the situation. It's way more complex than that. There are other considerations besides just to slow the spread as much as possible, such as economic. Then there's a certain level of social engineering required to get people to behave in the best possible way.
Perhaps Trump's rhetoric is not "serious" enough, but we'll only know this in hindsight. EDIT: It's also possible Trump has been informed of something positive that we have not been informed of.
Last edited by redpoint5; 03-27-2020 at 08:41 PM..