Originally Posted by jimhs
I add a pic , just for the shake of it.
In case you are curious, the car has no mods, the the avg speed is around 40mph, my commute is around uk country roads mainly plus a little bit of city and highway. And lots and lots of gliding with engine on.
Having engaged the Weights and Measures authorities of her Imperial Majesty, I beg to inform you that "ale gallons" (a.k.a. Imperial Gallons by 1824 statute) is a considerably greater volume of fuel than wine gallons (a.k.a. Queen Anne gallons by 1707 statute). As the former is the UK standard and this contest is based upon the latter, the older pre-1776 standard, you would need 84 MPG UK to equal 70 MPG US so I cannot add it to the list. Wars have consequences!
However, [ahem!] because this honor has a level of prestige that is self evident, it is also my great honor and pleasure to say here is your prize: