I count only the end results when calculating anything.
The other measuring points bring extra accuracy at least to me. If the results jump 0,2 units rapidly at the end of the run measuring there compared to previous ones there can be wind gusts, car heats or cools something. I shut down the ac and it has helped little to get even less variation.
On longer test runs if car is not performing any better than previous best the test can be aborted after 2 bad measurin point results. On the longer 100km tests I measure the consumption every 10km at the moment. But I wont go for longer tests unless there is new better performing parts from short tests to verified.
If the run would be more longer like +1 km it would bring more accuracy, but then again we are already at the limits of the accuracy of the dash 0,1 units so extra accuracy would be wasted in my eye. You would get better results if the last measuring point would be in more level ground, as then it would be more stable when taking the numbers. But there is no good level point in my route this road has twists and turns all the time. This leg has least cars going so it helps a lot.
On all mods tested if possible on and off runs are made which parts work better.
Yesterday was same time for testing but really windy. more headwind direction results changed 0,3 units on three runs and tailwind results were still same. Then averages were 17,5 and 13,5-->15,5