This is a little presumptive of me, but I want to create this thread to crowd source SPECIFIC & WORKABLE ideas and resources for updating the EM site/forums if the owners wanted to update it. (I am not an owner, btw, I am just a 10-year member making myself very comfortable, lol.)
What are your ideas for software, content, organization, appearance...?
The inspiration for this thread comes from discussion today on the "
Is ecomodder dying/dead?" thread.
A change (very minor) I suggest would be to the description of ecomodding so it is less narrowly about ICE drivetrains only but might also include EVs and such...
Current language below the banner:
Welcome to, an automotive community where performance is judged by fuel economy rather than power and speed. EcoModders employ a combination of vehicle mods, driving techniques, and common sense to squeeze every penny out of the pumps. Reasons for becoming a member range from the economical to the ecological. More info about where EcoModding came from.
A suggested modest revision (my changes shown in
Welcome to, an automotive community where performance is judged by efficiency and economy rather than power and speed. EcoModders employ a combination of vehicle mods, driving techniques, and common sense to go as far as possible as inexpensively as possible. Reasons for becoming a member range from the economical to the ecological. More info about where EcoModding came from.
Very minor, but there are bigger ideas... your thoughts?