They've neglected an awful lot of acreage on the rear - more solar panels should be added. Yes, it would take forever and a day to recharge the electric from zero using a few solar panels. So what? Any charge you get without plugging in is mileage for free - fusion powered by a fusion reactor removed to the nearest safe distance of 92 million miles.
It's roomy because it only seats two people. $30,000 is an awful lot of scratch for a vehicle that carries only half my family.
He has to have the super-efficient windshield wiper pocket design because he's actually managed to design a vehicle that doesn't have a stagnant zone at the base of the windshield.
Has anybody besides me noticed how much this thing looks like an airplane fuselage? Somebody give me the number for Cessna, I have a business model for them...
Lead or follow. Either is fine.