12-22-2007, 08:31 PM
#11 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by trebuchet03
Holy crap - it's actually a tangible prototype! Very Cool
Newton, keep in mind that the quest and vector serve two different purposes  Vector is for speed, quest is for commuting/recreation/touring efficiently  If I recall, the vector is a frame/fairing - and the quest (and mango counterpart) is a frame/fairing composite monoqoque with sub frame (very cool  ). The quest also has some large holes in the front for ventilation...
Thanks for the info on the chains, didn't realize that.
As for the quest and the vector, I've done a reasonable amount of googling with each. The vector's main problem was that it cornered poorly, which is why they sold only one and kept the molds in someone's attic (from memory).
I was comparing the two because of their different handling of the shape of the bottom of the vehicle. The quest could have kept the same frontal area with increased interior volume and the exact same touring/commuting/recreation efficiency with the bottom parallel to the surface for most of it, especially at the front. Doing so would have lowered the drag coefficient in my estimation.
"Every body perseveres in its state of being at rest or of moving uniformly straight forward, except insofar as it is compelled to change its state by force impressed." - Isaac Newton
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12-22-2007, 08:48 PM
#12 (permalink)
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I like this Aptera thing, but I'm not a fan of 3-wheels personally. I'd like to see this future four-wheel version, though. Series hybrid 4tw! 126.8km/L!
Making do with a Honda Civic. Tesla Model 3 reserved. Still kinda want an SVX for fun, though.
12-22-2007, 08:57 PM
#13 (permalink)
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I found this very interesting link on bicycle chain efficiency.
A study found that the first factor in efficiency was cog size (larger is better), and the second factor was tension (tighter is better). My thought is - maybe you don't need to worry about chain slipping issues if the tension is tight enough? (Not on the dérailleurs though.)
Every little bit helps with lowering the wattage required for a given speed. The idea is if you can minimize the wattage it takes to cycle at 60kph (compatible with most city areas), and if you can take care of acceleration issues with electric assist/regen etc, then you have a commuting vehicle that will keep pace with city traffic and hence be more convenient and less dangerous.
"Every body perseveres in its state of being at rest or of moving uniformly straight forward, except insofar as it is compelled to change its state by force impressed." - Isaac Newton
Last edited by newtonsfirstlaw; 12-22-2007 at 09:02 PM..
12-22-2007, 10:00 PM
#14 (permalink)
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The aptera looks like an aircraft to me. I also see other parallels.
Like 4-wheel cars, it's very expensive to get a fully FAA-certified aircraft to market. During general aviation's darkest time, many companies like Beech, Piper, and Cessna struggled (who knows how many failed altogether). At that same time, some new companies put themselves on the map by producing kit-aircraft, thereby flying under the certification radar. The more successful of those kit aircraft companies went on to make fully certified part-91 normal, utility and aerobatic category planes.
In a similar way as kits, 3-wheel 'car' designs enable a company to avoid a whole pile of regulations and testing.
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. - Clarke's Third Law
12-23-2007, 01:40 PM
#15 (permalink)
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Aptera is talking about taking a similar path - into "normal" 4 wheeled vehicle production:
A more conventional third model, called “Project X” or perhaps Typ-2, is now in the design phase, with plans for a four-wheeled chassis and seating up for to five passengers.
Call me pessimistic, but I wonder if (when) regulators will move to close the 3-wheeled vehicle loophole, under pressure from established players, using the safety argument.
I have also read that low volume importers/manufacturers of "normal" 4-wheel road vehicles in the US can apply for an exemption from meeting some of the safety requirements.
12-23-2007, 05:52 PM
#16 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by MetroMPG
I have also read that low volume importers/manufacturers of "normal" 4-wheel road vehicles in the US can apply for an exemption from meeting some of the safety requirements.
I wonder if those same importers are exempt from the safety standards from their country of origin too... I say that because a car from the EU, AUS, etc. won't meet US standards - but that doesn't mean our standards are any better... Just different...
That said, I'm sure there's a few countries with standards that aren't so hot
As for three wheelers -- if they do close down, it might just switch over the a motorcycle endorsement. Probably not a great idea to meet your full audience though... Doh! It already is..
Cars have not created a new problem. They merely made more urgent the necessity to solve existing ones.
Last edited by trebuchet03; 12-23-2007 at 06:05 PM..
10-18-2008, 11:12 PM
#18 (permalink)
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I want one!
I want one and hope other manufacturors build something similar and competitive.
I like the looks, projected performance and the the mileage. That looks like something I could drive most everyday. My gas bill would be ike $5 per month? Wow! Curly like!
10-19-2008, 08:17 AM
#19 (permalink)
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They've neglected an awful lot of acreage on the rear - more solar panels should be added. Yes, it would take forever and a day to recharge the electric from zero using a few solar panels. So what? Any charge you get without plugging in is mileage for free - fusion powered by a fusion reactor removed to the nearest safe distance of 92 million miles.
It's roomy because it only seats two people. $30,000 is an awful lot of scratch for a vehicle that carries only half my family.
He has to have the super-efficient windshield wiper pocket design because he's actually managed to design a vehicle that doesn't have a stagnant zone at the base of the windshield.
Has anybody besides me noticed how much this thing looks like an airplane fuselage? Somebody give me the number for Cessna, I have a business model for them...

Lead or follow. Either is fine.
10-19-2008, 09:38 AM
#20 (permalink)
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$30,000 is a little steep.
I agree $30,000 is a little steep, my hope is that GM , Chrysler and Ford will try to compete with this and the prices will come way down. What about the motorcyle manufacturors such as Yamaha, Kawasaki, Suzuki and Honda? If they jump into this market it will rapidly improve for the better. Motorcycles are lightweight but not aerodynamic.
From what I understand there is no solar panels powerful enough to make it completly independant but more panels could reduce the grid load a little more. I understand someone is working on solar panels that can be "printed" on thin plastic sheets and you will be able to cover your house and car with it. Supposedly the performance of the solar panels is much more effecient, powerful and cheaper to make. They also said full scale production is still probably 10 years away...... As better solar panels solutions come up they will be added to cars such as this.
It appears they have a good storage area behind the front seats and I think they said something about a four seater model. For me the 2 seater would cover 97% of my needs.
Still as they say "Different horses for different courses" That will never replace my one ton four door dually for towing 14,000 Lbs to the trade shows. But it could save me a bunch of money on my daily trip to work. If I was in a bad crash of course I would rather be in my big truck. The Aptera probably weighs 1000 Lbs or less. That and aerodynamics is what gives it the good mileage (and performance)
To get such good mileage you have to cut all the size and weight you can. I think in the future more cars will be much more aerodynamic as we are leaving soo much on the table right now and it is costing us soo much.
The factories are cutting weight where ever possible but they are building for the main stream. I think this type vehicle needs to become more mainstream.
I like the Aptera and think more manufacturors should be building something along this line. I believe the Aptera will sell all they can build and everyone will have to take notice.
The only thing that concerns me about this electric car (or any other) is they say they do not use much energy or that they are cheaper on gas.
I live in Texas so in the hot summer my electric bill to keep my house at a liveable temperature is sometimes $300 or more per month. If I get one of these cars will I save $200 a month on my gasoline bill but ADD $150 to my home electric bill?
If so this vehicle may be better with like a 14 Hp Kubata diesel power or some of the motorcycle type powerplants. The benifits of aerodynamics and lightweight work with any power system. This type vehicle has a lot of potential. Curly