Originally Posted by redpoint5
I've always complained about the avocado cartel in the US. Anywhere else in the world and you're paying $5 for a burlap bag full of 'em. Once here, you're paying $5 for an organic avocado at Whole Foods.
You've explained the game. If you're wealthy, live in the US. If you're average, live on the wealth of the wealthy in New Zealand. Very gameable. If I were middling, I'd be looking at Norway or New Zealand. No wonder why innovation comes from the US, the incentive is there.
That's one way to put it. The question then becomes, where is the crossover point? And, where is the wealth generated? Is it the CEOs, or the American workers? Or, somewhere else entirely?
A slightly different way of looking at it is this - in the US, taxes and the cost of goods are collected from everyone who works or buys, and when redistributed primarily go to the top couple of percent. How much do you have to make before you get back less than you pay out?