Originally Posted by Isaac Zachary
Fun fact:
I had asked what is the new economy car and had mentioned it might be the Chevy Bolt, had it lasted, in reference to a new car that costs the least amount possible to own and operate over the life of said vehicle.
A used Bolt likely is your best bet over the next 15 years. It has a new, higher capacity battery, and so far battery degradation is not showing to be a problem. The reduced range in the winter has been mentioned, and if that combined with the fact that DCFC is limited to 55 kW is still acceptable to you, I'd be giving the Bolt serious consideration, and soon.
While I can't predict the used car market, it's about as low as it's ever been for EVs. What are the odds it will go lower, vs begin to increase soon?
If you could plug in at work, even on a standard receptacle, that would be icing on top of the cake. You'd be getting 32 miles of range back in 8hrs.