SA talked about tent poles a bit more today. He frames it like a battle between wizards who are unseen, or forgotten in time, with ideas magically appearing within our reality. The "fine people" hoax is the example tent pole that was conjured into our minds.
I'm re-listening to the Rogan podcast with Peter Thiel.
Peter compares California to Saudi Arabia. Like Saudi Arabia it has a high GDP per capita despite dysfunctional politics/religion based on a concentration of a valuable resource. For CA, that resource is talent networks. He predicts that now that physical proximity to others is no longer a requirement to collaborate on tech projects, that talent resource will diffuse into locations other than silicon valley and CA, but it will take a while.
Peter says the linguistic tell for a pseudoscience is having to include the word science with the subject. Chemistry is a hard science because we don't have to call it "chemistry science". Biology is a hard science for the same reason. He juxtaposes those examples with "climate science" or "political science".