Originally Posted by ademonrower
Thank you very much for those very useful details: much for me to think about! I have a couple of pals who could help me. I even know someone who converted an old Volvo 850 to complete electric, but I'm not going to do that: need the car for longer journeys :-) er, and it wouldn't be much of a classic anymore...

Shout if you want to conference call and throw ideas around etc with your friends.
Or just post.
Complete electric:

See the video here:
Put a motor and have it go like a bat out of hell when you want it to!

Then start tuning the engine!
This here is the Nth degree IMHO.
But no need to go that far!
IF you're interested:
On a 70s car a simple head skim for higher compression using the available high octane fuel may be a good start. (takes some measuring and maths)
I'd gas flow to head using pre shaped Pferd Flap Wheels while it was off.
(People forget about the intake manifold and exhaust matching and especially the gaskets here. Engineer's Blue is your friend!)
There's way more to it if you like.
People here like hot air intakes as they're simple.
I think post pressure (higher boiling point) adjustable fuel heating may be a better option if you want to keep performance up..?
As you have a lathe you might find this interesting...
Then, as it's a 70s car/engine with km's on it, IF you're broad minded, research:
Dr Ali Erdemir Argonne National Labs DOE Boric Acid in Oil Lubricant.
Apparently God will strike you down and blow up your engine if you even think about thinking of trying it!
But its been tested and is synergistic with the main additives in engine oils and has also been lab tested with good results in cars and diesel engines.
There will be 'shouting' etc but what the hell. That's all fact. Just direct all that to the relevant thread.
Some pics from research.
https://publications.anl.gov/anlpubs/2013/09/77152.pdf#:~:text=Unlike%20other%20anti%2Dfriction %20and%20%2Dwear%20additives%2C%20which,boric%20ac id%20is%20a%20natural%20mineral%20(known