If you don't have a vacuum gauge, you're missing out!
Just refilled after my first full tank with my new vacuum gauge. Despite cold temps, some wet roads, Santa Ana wind conditions, a little low pressure in one tire, no P&G at all, stop-and-go and ferrying the family around the mountain, I still clocked in at 35.66 mpg, or only .09 mpg below my best summer tank! For the first time, I exceeded 500 miles on a single fill (522.1, to be exact!) Not only am I easily seeing the subtle difference between light-foot and slightly-lighter-foot, I think I'm really helping myself where I hurt most--going up the mountain home each night. In comparison, my previous tank, with nearly identical driving conditions, but with the gauge only installed during the last 70 miles, was 33.34 mpg.
As I mentioned in another thread, I got the Autogage gauge with the four colorbars. I think this helps immensely, as it's easy to see when I'm accelerating well (usually right where the orange ends/green starts is as far as I go) and when I'm going up the hill with the best economy (6 in./hg, right where the red meets the orange.)
Now that it appears I've beaten the leaky clutch hose, I'm going to try P&G again to see if I can really get things cooking, and I can't wait for hot weather so I can try to break 40 mpg!
If you don't have one, get one. It's $38 from Amazon with free shipping, and it installs in 10 minutes. Comparing the last two tanks, mine pays for itself in 3 months at the current rate.