I was able to remove the rear-left spring from the Geo.
The spring when removed from the car is:
11" long
3.75 inches across inside the spring (hard to measure - I measured straight across with the top of the tape touching an upper coil, and bottom of tape to measure bottom coil)
The diameter of the spring itself is just a hair over 1/2 inch. (but less than 9/16)
The outside of the spring diameter is is pretty close to 4.75 inches.
The spring is 7 coils.
Also, I measured the height of the car, and then again after removing 4 batteries, which were pretty much right over the rear axel. The difference in height was 1.5 inches. I figure the weight of two of the batts was on this one spring (the weight of the other two batts was on the OTHER spring)
The batteries weigh 70 lbs each, so that means that 140 lbs compresses this spring 1.5 inches, or roughly one inch per hundred lbs, right?
I have some photos posted in my
main Electro-Metro thread.