Peter7307 -
I don't know, it looks like the best (almost

) real-world MPG car out there is a 3-wheeler :
Video: (definitely worth checking) test drive of Aptera @ Popular Mechanics
For me, this would be the ideal "super-commuter" for people (like me) that have terrible commutes.
The one thing I don't like is that the Tri-Hawk was only rated at 28 MPG in 1982. I thought that because of the 1.2 liter engine, it would at least have more get-up and go, but it *seems* to only have a ~10 second 0-60, based on the car magazine tests. Is a 10 second 0-60 really fast in 1982? It used a carburator and had no emissions equipment because it was classified as a motorcycle (right?). In 1982 it was around $14000+. The Aptera is about $30000, so I think they are in the same price bracket (i.e. pricey to say the least). In 1984 you could get a Honda CRX with better MPG for around $6000, so I think the Tri-Hawk would have needed a lot more tuning to make it competitive in terms of MPG.