Originally Posted by cRiPpLe_rOoStEr
No! Just NO!!
You swerve left say; the vehicle leans right.
But there is no wheel on the right to counteract the lean!
If you are braking at the same time the shift in the vehicle'a center of gravity is also toward that non existent right front wheel.
So instead of swerving left you roll forward and right, right into whatever you were swerving left to avoid, with the Delta trike on top of you!
That's why Quad Bikes have replaced the now illegal Delta Trikes that preceded them: Too many deaths and bad injuries.
Then there's the fact that 80% of a cars braking force comes from the front wheels, but only if there are in fact front wheels! (plural)
There is only one trike: A Tadpole, 2 front wheels, one rear wheel, trike! Irrespective of the power source.
Even then; you want the center of gravity more between the 2 front wheels than above the rear wheel, unless it tilts...