Originally Posted by cRiPpLe_rOoStEr
The problem with a fumigation CNG setup is that it displaces Oxygen while depressurizing, so it goes like choking the intake.
it displaces oxygen, not air?
a while ago i was researching compressing homemade methane to a liquid state to give a tankful meaningful energy i discovered that about 1100 psi was required. not only that but to do so safely, 3 carefully determined stages were required. after each stage the compressed gas needed to be chilled in order to prevent auto-ignition. iirc propane has similar requirements.
with your R410a compressor you would have to run three of them in series with chillers inbetween...? is your compressor a relatively high volume pump,
if so it could be tricky accomplishing the chilling sucessfully!
oh, crushing the charcoal likely limited the flow capacity of your propane thus starving your lawnmover. fyi, nano-fibres made form charred chicken feathers are being experimented with for use in hydrogen fuel cells..