In relation to the brief discussion of tire size, there is a super tire sizing chart I found on another thread somewhere that is the best I've ever seen, found here:
Custom rims, wheel tire packages for your ride -
As to warm air intake, it is definitely better to make a warm air intake then to trick the computer by telling it the air is warmer than it really is. I used a warm air intake last winter, but it didn't seem to do much for me, but then again, I had tires/wheels on that were way too big for the VX and that hurt mileage so it was impossible to tell. I had to change an engine mount this summer and in the process had to remove some intake plumbing, and while at it just removed the whole resonator, etc, and put on a premium Amsoil EaA air filter with pre filter over it, so I had to lose the warm air. Maybe this winter I'll try again with proper tire sizes.
Greasemonkee, how many miles on your VX now? You got a quarter million miles out of your 02 sensor??? If this helps, I have an 02 sensor for my VX that I bought as a spare in January, as I had some mild stumbling issues too. A month ago I put it in the VX for one full tank of gas, and it made absolutely no difference for mileage or the stumbling, so I put the original sensor back in. The spare I got is a Denso, which is one of the OE Japanese companies Honda uses for its' components. I can sell the spare 02 sensor for 200 bucks or so, if interested: it's basically brand new, and clean. I just called a local Honda dealer here by me in Ontario, (Image Honda in Stony Creek), and they charge 380 dollars for that sensor before tax. I understand you have no reason to trust me to be telling the truth, but I can send pictures if that helps. I would keep if but I'm so tight for money 200 bucks would help me a lot. If your 5 wire 02 sensor is actually bad, a new sensor will do wonders for your mileage, and maybe clear up stumbling too.
(As a side note, if you're not going to keep your car up but let it go to waste, so to speak, let me know if you are ever going to sell it.

I keep my cars up, and with a car like a VX it's totally worth the money.)
Lastly, who here has a good ECU for the VX, from a 94 or 95 model years for a hundred bucks? I'm looking. Thanks.