I'm very impressed with your knowledge and thinking in this area! Thank you! You migh well be interested in my book. I'm a biochemist, and so I wrote a (bio)chemist's view of energy and material economies. I also revealed some unpleasant truths about the EV revolution, and the as yet un-realized benefits of eFuels. See here: https://global.oup.com/academic/prod...-9780197664834
...and also here: https://andrewmoorescientist.com where most of the energy/mobility themes in the book are also covered, and an extra one, hydrogen, is described in much more detail. Interesting times, and I just hope that politicians understand all of this, and make the right decisions in the interests of sustainability (of all kinds).
Your thoughts on this fuel from sunlight and air CO2 process?
This gets way more economical if the H2 comes out of drilled wells.
I wanted to see a drone shot of that castle they work in.
Nobody knows how the Sabatier reaction works? Wikipedia says there is disagreement over two possibilities. Nobody knows ≠ not everyone agrees.
.Without freedom of speech we wouldn't know who all the idiots are. -- anonymous poster
.The wages of woke is broke[™] -- Harvey Cthulhu