Hello everyone, I would like to first introduce myself. My name is Bob, and I recently purchased a 91 Metro Xfi. I was doing work for a customer, and I noticed he had a Metro 5 dr. I asked him if he knew of any for sale he told me "Yes I saw one today on way home from doctor's office, but I don't know if he is selling it." So I found out where it was and went to check it out.
When I left my name and number with the kids grandfather, he said it was not for sale. So I went home and wished he would call, about a week later he did leave a message. He said to get ahold of him ASAP. So I called and he needed money, $440 to be exact. I was there in 15 minutes and bought her up.
Here it is the day I bought it.
Since then I have been very busy on it.
I changed the oil to 5w30 synthetic, plugs, wires, airfilter, tranny synthetic, set timing @ 7 degs.
I also fixed dent in hood kinda, I am no body man. But can spray paint and Rhino linings. Which is where I work at a combination of Rhino Linings, RV dealership, Ambulance remounting, all in the same building. Also do all the wiring on the vehicles that come in. I am the shop manager so I stay busy, and spray some of the best Rhino there can be (not bragging a lot of experience in it 7 yrs.)
Hood after
I made Lexan light covers, a how-to I wrote here-->
TeamSwift • View topic - Lexan headlight cover HOW-TO should work for any bucket style light.
Installed gauges air/fuel ratio and voltmeter. I have had these in 4 cars so far and had to modify the gauge pods yet 1 more time, not much left of it at this point.
Made a Grill block, had extra aluminum roof flashing laying around.
Made new shifter bushings from nylon bar stock on my Father's lathe. A how-to that I wrote on those--->
TeamSwift • View topic - FIX: Shifter bushing. Blueprint
Made a EOC switch, and another how-to-->
Pizza pan wheel covers, didn't want to spend big bucks for little gain.
Passenger mirror delete. Used bottom of lawn mower bagger for the black plastic, I am trying to use super cheap of free for everything I have done.
Also lowered the front about an inch and another how-to.
TeamSwift • View topic - Found an easy way to lower Front

I believe that is about it for now. Sorry for being so long but got a lot done in a couple weeks. This car is like Crack for a wrencher, so cheap and easy to work on. I keep thinking of new things to do everyday it seems like. And I love this site by the way.
Planned mods:
Rear wheel skirts just looking for free materials still, yea I am a cheapskate.
Front wheels skirts? maybe like Basjoos but different.
Air dam
wiper cowl
antenna delete I listen to cd's anyways
undertray/ diffuser
Some ideas?? suggestions I am a big boy I can take em.