View Poll Results: your driving record since hypermiling Post a Poll
clean record, no warnings
bestclimb, bgd73, Bow , cfg83, doviatt, gone-ot , jamesqf, Jyden , moorecomp, NeilBlanchard , NiHaoMike, Piwoslaw , RandomFact314, vtec-e, Weather Spotter
15 |
60.00% |
clean record since hypermiling, some incidents prior to hypermiling
7 |
28.00% |
clean record, with warning(s)
0 |
0% |
1 or 2 incidents, without citations
1 |
4.00% |
1 or 2 incidents, with citation(s)
2 |
8.00% |
greater than 2 incidents.
1 |
4.00% |