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Fuel Vaporizer
exactly what it says.

and Yes this puppy works very well, because fuel vapors are the only form of fuel that actually burn, liquid gas spray from dirty fuel injectors do not burn 100%.

A thin copper hose tee's into the fuel line which delivers fuel to the glass jar, which is regualted by two needle valves, one has a set-screw to prevent it from moving the other is a on/off safety valve right at the tee connection to the fuel line.

The PCV hose on the car is removed, and replaced by two longer hoses which connect to the glass jar (vaporizer) so that the vaporizer goes "in series" or in-line with the existing PCV hosing system.

The PCV valve port of the PCV hosing system feeds air into the jar (vaporizer), and the air-intake port on the car for the pcv hosing system draws the gas fumes + PCV gasses from the jar into the engine.


Now the ECU detects more rich running condition because of the added fuel vapors and so it leans back on the fuel injection system, therefore saving you gas.

Saves a ton of gas.
AGS Vaporizer fuel line Tee
AGS Vaporizer

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