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Search: Posts Made By: iikhod
Forum: General Efficiency Discussion 05-08-2021, 05:01 PM
Replies: 21
Views: 2,618
Posted By redpoint5
Imperial measure is base nothing. Base 12 for...

Imperial measure is base nothing. Base 12 for inches in a foot, base 3 for feet in a yard, base 5280 for feet in a mile, base 32 for 32nds of an inch, base 16, for 16ths of an inch, base 8 for 8ths...
Forum: EcoModding Central 01-20-2021, 06:58 PM
Replies: 9
Views: 1,061
Posted By redpoint5
... my mind went somewhere else with that...

... my mind went somewhere else with that description.
Forum: General Efficiency Discussion 01-09-2021, 12:28 AM
Replies: 1,483
Views: 558,510
Posted By cRiPpLe_rOoStEr
Considering the Corsa B was the first serious...

Considering the Corsa B was the first serious contender to the VW Beetle in Mexico, it's no surprise for me it was also quite successful in other countries such as Brazil and South Africa (where it...
Forum: The Lounge 01-06-2021, 04:03 AM
Replies: 5
Views: 1,191
Posted By jimhs
Hi iikhod, Pump the tyres, put a grille...

Hi iikhod,

Pump the tyres, put a grille block and optimize your driving style and glide as much as possible.
this will drop your consumption by at least 0.5l.
It worked for me.
Forum: EcoModding Central 10-31-2020, 06:51 AM
Replies: 37
Views: 2,713
Posted By jakobnev

Forum: Aerodynamics 10-03-2020, 07:17 PM
Replies: 138
Views: 12,409
Posted By Yippeekyaa
Both of you, julian and aerohead! Please just...

Both of you, julian and aerohead! Please just stop this back and forth. You both clearly have talents and skills that are polar opposites yet you both continue to embarrass yourselves and this...
Forum: General Efficiency Discussion 09-16-2020, 06:33 PM
Replies: 13
Views: 2,245
Posted By ukiltmybrutha
Lol! Not on these dangerous roads!

Lol! Not on these dangerous roads!
Forum: Forum News & Feedback 09-16-2020, 02:08 PM
Replies: 69
Views: 89,206
Posted By ps2fixer
I see the problem, you updated the first 9999 but...

I see the problem, you updated the first 9999 but not the second one. First is for the link, second is for the image.

Forum: EcoModding Central 08-17-2020, 12:51 PM
Replies: 53
Views: 7,409
Posted By SkauneJohan
these engines doesnt like it(like many older...

these engines doesnt like it(like many older engines) they get louder and less smooth and it is more expensive :D and it is the recomended oil https://i.postimg.cc/s2g4cyYd/oil-om601.jpg...
Forum: General Efficiency Discussion 08-10-2020, 06:13 PM
Replies: 1,483
Views: 558,510
Posted By Fat Charlie
It looks like what Mad Max would drive if he had...

It looks like what Mad Max would drive if he had a long commute.
Forum: Alternative Transportation 08-09-2020, 12:30 AM
Replies: 18
Views: 4,045
Posted By cRiPpLe_rOoStEr
Besides the noise of the auxiliary engine, the...

Besides the noise of the auxiliary engine, the smoke could also bother your dog. If I were you, I would probably consider some upgrade to the exhaust design.
Forum: Off-Topic Tech 07-21-2020, 09:17 PM
Replies: 5
Views: 853
Posted By Xist
How to test a heater core [before installing]

Flush your radiator.
Disconnect the hoses to the heater core.
Connect the heater core that you want to test.
Fill the radiator with 100% water.
Run the engine for a while and maybe...
Forum: Alternative Transportation 07-15-2020, 03:07 PM
Replies: 386
Views: 111,389
Posted By Bicycle Bob
I have noticed that if I drive to a natural area,...

I have noticed that if I drive to a natural area, it takes me hours to feel in tune with my surroundings, but if I ride my bike, I'm there even as I approach. If the goal is to be in nature, a bike...
Forum: Alternative Transportation 07-13-2020, 08:16 AM
Replies: 386
Views: 111,389
Posted By Bicycle Bob
I get my exercise on rural blacktop. Now, with...

I get my exercise on rural blacktop. Now, with my grey hair spilling over my collar, hiding my beard from behind, I get a lot more drivers slowing right down to avoid crowding me, even if I'm...
Forum: Alternative Transportation 06-10-2020, 10:40 AM
Replies: 386
Views: 111,389
Posted By MetroMPG
You know what? I have! It's geared nicely for...

You know what? I have! It's geared nicely for trail riding - super granny gear.

But have a look at the rear derailleur. See how low to the ground it is? I didn't consider that, so my first...
Forum: General Efficiency Discussion 06-09-2020, 11:28 PM
Replies: 1,483
Views: 558,510
Posted By cRiPpLe_rOoStEr
I still remember when these were among the most...

I still remember when these were among the most common taxis in my hometown. Fiat Siena Tetrafuel, factory-fitted to run on CNG, ethanol, and gasoline. For marketing purposes, Fiat highlighted its...
Forum: Alternative Transportation 06-08-2020, 12:17 PM
Replies: 386
Views: 111,389
Posted By cowmeat
My latest bike - I like to be seen from way off...

My latest bike - I like to be seen from way off since I ride when only sleepy newspaper delivery people, cats, racoons and drunks leaving the bars late are on the road
Forum: General Efficiency Discussion 05-28-2020, 07:26 PM
Replies: 1,483
Views: 558,510
Posted By Fat Charlie
They took less metal to make than most cars. ...

They took less metal to make than most cars. Their ATs also used fewer gears: every 3 speed Neon freed up room for the 9 speed transmissions of today.
Forum: General Efficiency Discussion 05-25-2020, 10:48 AM
Replies: 1,483
Views: 558,510
Posted By MetroMPG
EV connection to that Dauphine.... that car was...

EV connection to that Dauphine.... that car was the basis of one of the earliest "modern" EV's made as brand new vehicles, in 1959:

Forum: Fossil Fuel Free 05-25-2020, 10:25 AM
Replies: 48
Views: 4,475
Posted By Piotrsko
My wife suggests that it a physical endowment...

My wife suggests that it a physical endowment thing: mine is bigger, better, more expensive, (whatever) than yours.
Forum: Fossil Fuel Free 05-24-2020, 08:06 PM
Replies: 48
Views: 4,475
Posted By oil pan 4
To make insurance rates higher for everyone who...

To make insurance rates higher for everyone who doesn't.
Forum: Off-Topic Tech 05-22-2020, 08:06 PM
Replies: 1,691
Views: 273,944
Posted By cRiPpLe_rOoStEr
Of course it is. Well, usually a stock Beetle is...

Of course it is. Well, usually a stock Beetle is already beautiful, but that one really caught my attention.

The same way some of the cool Euro stuff is unavailable here, mostly due to cost....
Forum: Alternative Transportation 05-18-2020, 03:13 PM
Replies: 386
Views: 111,389
Posted By Bicycle Bob
I use a lot more ferrous oxide camouflage on my...

I use a lot more ferrous oxide camouflage on my bike. The shifters are on the steering tube, offset for the right hand. So, I can turn the handlebars 90 deg right and catch the center-pull brake...
Forum: For Sale 05-18-2020, 11:20 AM
Replies: 15
Views: 1,801
Posted By Xist
My friend's cousin drove us somewhere in her...

My friend's cousin drove us somewhere in her Yaris way back when I had friends. I asked her about the instrument cluster and she said "I like it! I end up speeding, though."

I still think that...
Forum: Forum News & Feedback 05-02-2020, 09:24 PM
Replies: 121
Views: 9,017
Posted By Xist
You think the lounge is your ally? You merely...

You think the lounge is your ally? You merely adopted the lounge. I was born in it, molded by it.
Showing results 1 to 25 of 103

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