Hello all. I'm here because I'm already commuting to my new work location... 64 miles from home, 128 round trip. So I bought an already highly fuel efficient car, my 2013 Ford Fiesta SE Hatchback with EPA 39 MPG Highway. I'm already getting more then that (43mpg) due to just doing some reading on efficient driving habits.
I haven't modified anything on the car yet, won't be doing that until later when its paid off. However between now and then I'll still be working on other mods. Initially I wanted to put in a ScanGauge as I've had one previously (for my former car, a moderately modified Scion tC with supercharger, that was averaging 24mpg as a daily driver.

). However a coworker of mine turned me on to Automatic[.]com. I've not yet used it, need to buy it but after looking at it and all the additional features it seems to be a fantastic tool to help track driving efficiency. Thoughts?
I do enjoy the new challenge of constantly trying to drive efficiently vs my old habit of speed, acceleration and passing.... that's to expensive now and so would be the speeding tickets.
My long term goal is to understand how to pulse and glide. I understand the dynamics of how it saves fuel. On paper is one thing.... on a two lane road with hills its a different story. I do however enjoy the last 14 miles of my drive... all down hill and only requires a small amount of applied power.
Well that's enough for now, I'll be around and reading!