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Old 02-23-2010, 04:56 PM   #11 (permalink)
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Phil - '95 Honda Civic DX
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First of all you can completely disable the ability to go into vtech. Do you need or want vtech? You could also probably install a switch which will turn the ability on and off in case you got in a bind and needed the extra power for safety of just for pleasure. Second, there are just too many issues that could be at play here. The cold turns my DX into a gas hog. There are just too many potential issues. Try to modify your driving and review the results.

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Old 02-23-2010, 09:57 PM   #12 (permalink)
is not covered in bees.
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The driving tips that Metro linked are excellent to check out. To recap some of the ones I think are key, one thing you should concentrate on when driving on the highway is driving smoothly, try not to make sudden changes in direction or speed. Without sacrificing safe driving, try to drive so that you need to use the brake pedal as little as possible. Anticipate when you'll need to slow down and let off on the gas early rather than needing to brake later (coasting in gear to slow down at highway speed in most modern gasoline cars uses zero fuel). When practical, if you need to accelerate, never accelerate uphill, try to wait until you're going down the other side. Another tip, when it's practical (that is, when you're not a hazard to traffic), let yourself slow down some when going uphill, then pick the speed back up on the way down the other side. As well, driving at 70 mph involves a lot more wind resistance and drag than driving at 60 mph.

Making sure things are in working order, like the fuel filter has been changed, make sure the brakes or bearings aren't adding more rolling resistance than they should be, tires are at the max sidewall pressure (or at least 35 psi, if the max is high like 44 or 50... I've had some center-wear issues on my car trying to run 44-psi tires at max pressure). And driving at the lowest (practical and safe) speed in the highest possible gear without bogging down the engine.

Even so, 33 mpg is not bad at all for a car that will turn 20 soon. And remember, cold weather and winter gas will lower fuel economy, so take that into account if there's a drop in mpg in winter. Keeping a log of the gallons of fuel on each fill-up, and the miles travelled, will help you see what works and what doesn't.
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Old 02-23-2010, 10:18 PM   #13 (permalink)
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Protege - '97 Mazda Protege DX
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I think something is still wrong with your basic setup. My wifes 96 civic dx (hatch, 5sp) gets more then 30 every tank and she doesn't hypermile. When I drive I can get close to 40 mpg. Keep checking -- something isn't right somewhere. (Tires inflated correctly? Jack it up and spin the wheels to see if there is anything sticking, watch the temp guage maybe it is the thermostate, Any of the underbelly/wheel well panels hanging down and flapping in the breeze, running with defrost on all the time which in some cases runs the A/C, just a few ideas)
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Old 02-23-2010, 11:51 PM   #14 (permalink)
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Was driving the car the other day and the temp gauge went up to the "H" mark, I didnt notice for a minute or two and pulled over as soon as I noticed. I turned the heater on high blowing hot air with the car off, as the fan wouldnt turn on either, thinking it was a fan switch, i shorted the fan switch to get it to turn on and help cool the car down. when the temp gauge was almost to the "C" I popped the radiator cap off and to my surprise there was no antifreeze visible, but the over flow tank was full. I went down the high way a few more miles and found a store with antifreeze. it took 1/4 of a gallon to fill the radiator back up and I started driving again. less than 10 minutes later the car is running hot again. I ended up pulling into a gas station and popping the hood again to see what it could be. Top radiator hose is scorching hot and the bottom hose is ice cold. I pulled the thermostat and replaced it with a new one I already had in the car, but havnt driven it enough to see if the mileage improved or not. Will update when I start driving it again.
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Old 02-25-2010, 08:32 AM   #15 (permalink)
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that's what happened to me before my head gasket blew. i changed all the hoses gasket and thermostat afterwards. I've been getting near 36mpg near regularly with new tires,34ish if it's cold outside. automatic transmission

how to.....

true wealth comes from good health and wise ways
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