1st Gen S10 Blazer 6,800mi road trip=22.45mpg!
Got things together and finished the 700r4 in time to make a 5 week road trip and 6,800 miles with my wife to camp and see numerous family and friends throughout the west and B.C. Canada! Only stayed at motels 3 nights! The Procharged 4.3 (300HP+) ran great along with everything else. My best mileage was 24.8 on a 200 mile leg. Overall average for the fuel used and total miles was 22.45 for 6,800+! I think I can improve modestly with new tires to replace old 33lb 245/65r17 rugged trails, more tuning for my '0411 computer, and a few ecomodder mods. Looking forward to trying the wheel disc idea with some pizza pans that I found which fit perfectly. Just haven't figured out how to attach them yet. But I've left the Blazer back in Colorado and we are back in Costa Rica with the Jeep and Tercel to work on.
Good times!!