Yeah, I keep telling myself I need to post my fuel log. I just sorta write my trip od miles on my gas receipts each time. And, yeah, that's over a full tank - actually two consecutive full tanks, the second one was about .5mpg higher, and most of it was while I had one tire with a slow leak in it. I haven't really seen much improvement since the tire was replaced, though.
I'm doing pretty aggressive hypermiling. I never use A/C. I hardly ever use my brakes except when I have to come to a complete stop, and then it's only lightly. I never leave my engine idling when i'm stopped unless I anticipate I'll start moving within the next 60seconds.
That said, I don't completely avoid drive through's, but I don't idle while sitting in line either.
I really want to do a PS delete, but the ps pump shares a belt with the water pump