Those are awesome results,
Blue07CivicEX! You can see my results for "Chiro" (My '06 Sedan) in the 'garage' here. I'm getting just close to 37mpg for the last 90 days. Car is stock ... but my drivin' style ain't.

What brings me down is my short commute ... which is 1/3 to 1/4 city traffic (along with ethanol, of course).
What tire pressures are you runnin'?
The ambient temps for your driving are kinda low. Expect another 1-3mpg when the temps are solidly in the 80s ... or even 90s. I got 4 tankfuls in a row over 45mpg with my '95 Civic DX Coupe back in the day during an August heat wave ... and I was drivin' it like I stole it.
I'd like wheel skirts for mine so if you get your design fleshed out, I'd like to see it/them sometime. I can't weld, but I should be able to shape aluminum strips and bolt them together with itty, bitty bolts then use button-headed screws to attach the plastic to the aluminum 'frame' and any other attachment points I've rigged up . I'm also a little leary about drilling into the fender lip ... but sacrifices
must be made.
Meet in the SUNY parking lot or similar place after you're a little farther along?