It's not going over well because you're asking about a race-oriented application. You did see where the name of the forum is ECOmodder, right?
The Warp 9 double-ended motor would work, assuming there's sufficient length between the tailshaft of the tranny and the input of the diff to fit it and the necessary adapters. Whether the diameter of the motor fits into the shaft tunnel is a whole 'nother kettle of worms.
Your electric motor control is going to have to be separate from the throttle control, since I assume you're going to lift between shifts so as not to grenade the engine, or else you're fitting a proper race tranny and lifting isn't an issue.
Sorry, I forgot about automatic ignition cuts. I default to carburetor technology and don't ever assume any part of an engine will automatically prevent you from destroying it. No-lift shifting is indeed an option, and the motor control connected to WOT would work.
Keep the battery load minimized. Install a bank of LiFePo4, nice and lightweight but enough capacity to make a few runs.
Lead or follow. Either is fine.