At long last, after spending 93 days in transit beyond the build date, we took delivery of the Fiesta this week:
Just off the transport:
Note the baby spoiler. I'm not sure if that is helping by breaking up the boundary layer, or just looking stylish at the expense of creating more drag.
Partial grill blocks:
In Wisconsin, the law requires we display a front plate, so I will be carrying an ugly slab of aluminum and plastic on an otherwise sleek front end.
Aero tweaks behind the wheels:
The bottom is nearly half panned too.
My wife gets her first look at her new ride:
Driving it off the showroom floor:
And some pictures taken by the Yacht club:
I will post the mpg results under "Tuco" (named after the character in "The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly") in my garage here on this site.