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Old 04-29-2013, 07:54 PM   #1 (permalink)
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2013 Ecomodder Tri-State Fuel Economy Championship NY-MA-CT

I feel there has been more than sufficient interest to start the organization of a 2013 Ecomodder Tri-State Fuel Economy Championship NY-MA-CT.

This will be an open Event / Meet organized by the members of this forum, so your participation is needed to ensure it's success. So what do you want from the Event?

Here are my ideas:
I propose we have a two day weekend event, with the emphasis being on either a Saturday or Sunday FE run. That way anyone who can only make it one day, will be able to meet everyone and participate in the days events.

The Location is up for grabs. I expect we'll have Members coming from out of state, so i want to be able to keep their expenses as low as possible to attract more people. Towards that goal, we either need a nice campground, or to have someone be willing to host us at their house. The location also needs to have a good course to do a FE run nearby.

In 2010, it was in my home town of the Berkshires MA (which i missed!). I know of campgrounds but cannot host at my apt. I would welcome it there again, but i won't be greedy; anywhere in the Tri-State area is fine. I do know of several Insight's and various Hybrid owners i could try to convince to attend!

I would also like a Barbecue. Which can be done with minimal investment. It would attract the local Eco-car enthusiasts, and be covered by a small entry fee.

The date is open as well. Say summer, or the earliest part of fall before anyone has to deal with School/Work obligations.

Please leave your Intention to attend, as well as your suggestions for place and date, and what you would want from the event.

I try to be helpful. I'm not an expert.

Last edited by sheepdog 44; 04-30-2013 at 04:51 PM..
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Old 04-30-2013, 12:14 AM   #2 (permalink)
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I'm interested! The first 2-3 weeks of August won't work for me. Other than that, my schedule is pretty flexible. Anywhere in or near NY is OK with me. Have it in Syracuse and we could race electric go karts too! And it would be a convenient location for me!
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Old 04-30-2013, 01:23 AM   #3 (permalink)
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Hmm. I am way down by the gulf coast, but I'd love to road trip up for something like this! I've been meaning to visit New England. I am currently very busy with demolishing/rebuilding my place, but hopefully the job will be done by the late summer. If that's the case, I'll be there as fast as lightning! (Well, 55mph will do...)

Will keep an eye on this thread. Cheers!
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Old 04-30-2013, 07:03 AM   #4 (permalink)
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The later part of August should work for me too. Right now I'm still on crutches from foot surgery but I hope to be able to work on the HX again starting some time in June. A July meet would be too early for me.

I'm about 3 hrs from the Berkshires and Albany; I would go there. Syracuse is about 5-6 hours but I could make it out there. Pretty easy drive, just longer.
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Last edited by brucepick; 04-30-2013 at 12:46 PM..
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Old 04-30-2013, 09:05 AM   #5 (permalink)
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I'd love to see an all new event be created, [it's really not that much work] but could also supply you guys with a turn key event as a backup plan if needed. All you'd need is a few volunteers to run it. I organized the last three A.M.E.C. Economy Run events and still have the word document for the route instructions for the 102 mile course we used. The are simple easy to navigate instructions that fit on a single piece of paper. No navigator needed. We reserved an inexpensive picnic grove at Northampton Beach Campgrounds on Sacandaga Lake, in Mayfield, NY. and had a bar-b-q picnic afterwards.

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Old 04-30-2013, 10:57 AM   #6 (permalink)
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Might want to be a little more clear about which Tri-State you're talking about. There is one an hour away from me, but I assume that's not what you mean. If it was, I'd be all over this. I had to google "The Berkshires" to know for sure. Not everyone is familiar with your local region.


Edit: I'm a little grumpy this morning. Don't mind me.

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Last edited by PaleMelanesian; 04-30-2013 at 11:04 AM..
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Old 04-30-2013, 11:09 AM   #7 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by PaleMelanesian View Post
Might want to be a little more clear about which Tri-State you're talking about. There is one an hour away from me, but I assume that's not what you mean. If it was, I'd be all over this. I had to google "The Berkshires" to know for sure. Not everyone is familiar with your local region.

Tri-state area - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Edit: I'm a little grumpy this morning. Don't mind me.
lol id want it to be in my tri-state area , OHIO, PA, WV

yea if it was there or even the ohio, pa, ny area id go for sure

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Old 04-30-2013, 05:03 PM   #8 (permalink)
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Sorry about that! I fixed the title. I think Western MA, or the center part of eastern NY in the Albany area would be best.

Originally Posted by blownb310 View Post
I'd love to see an all new event be created, [it's really not that much work] but could also supply you guys with a turn key event as a backup plan if needed. All you'd need is a few volunteers to run it. I organized the last three A.M.E.C. Economy Run events and still have the word document for the route instructions for the 102 mile course we used. The are simple easy to navigate instructions that fit on a single piece of paper. No navigator needed. We reserved an inexpensive picnic grove at Northampton Beach Campgrounds on Sacandaga Lake, in Mayfield, NY. and had a bar-b-q picnic afterwards.

I'd like to get a copy of the route! Is there camping there? That actually sounds pretty good from reading that thread. And it's centrally located from most people in the region (NY-MA-CT!). Also the dates of Late August to early September from past events seem to have worked out well.

I don't really mind who runs it, as long it happens. Last year didn't happen, and there has been more than enough interest to have an event this year. I vote we have Blownb310 organize the event!
I try to be helpful. I'm not an expert.

Last edited by sheepdog 44; 04-30-2013 at 05:29 PM..
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Old 05-01-2013, 08:17 AM   #9 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by sheepdog 44 View Post
I don't really mind who runs it, as long it happens. I vote we have Blownb310 organize the event!
No thank you. I feel I have more than paid my dues as an organizer of northeast events. I currently prefer to be a guest, rather than a host.

I started a thread like this one once here as well. I too, badly wanted to participate in another event but hoped someone else would do it.

I was very lucky that Jeff from S.M.C.C. started holding his events up in Montreal. When it comes to wanting to participate, you have to take what you can get. Sometimes the event format isn't exactly what you prefer, and sometimes it isn't right in your area.

In the end, when you want to do something badly enough, you will be the one to make it happen. That's what I did in 2008, 2009, 2010, and helped my co-worker Steve with his Tri-State [NY-MA-VT] event in 2011.

2007 ZENN and 2019 Chevy Bolt EV 145,000 oil free miles to date.

Last edited by blownb310; 05-01-2013 at 10:51 PM..
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Old 05-13-2013, 07:13 PM   #10 (permalink)
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For simplicity sake, i think it's best to just do a rerun of the previous Tri-State FE run, and hold it in Western Mass. Run the same course, only maybe change up the route a little. Same date in late August. This seems the best course of action.

The only thing is i really need help from someone to design a Flyer and a business card. Just something simply that i could get printed at Staples.

I see a lot of older Eco-cars and many new hybrids and electric vehicles on my route everyday. If i could even get a fraction of them we would have a really good turnout. If i see any of them parked i could just put a flyer under their windshield, and if i happen to come across their owner, i could give them a business card and tell them about the event.

Something like:
2013 Tri-State fuel economy rally.
details etc.
Hyperlink to Ecomodder. Email contact list.

Graphics would include a green background, The Ecomodder logo, ambiguous aero car.

If i could get any sponsorship, and i'm talking just small beans stuff, I think a gas gift card to the winners in each category would attract some attention. Bikes, Gas, Hybrid, electric. But it's definitely not necessary.

A few angles have come across my mind for promoting it.
1, Scenic rally (ride) through the Berkshires, VT, NY and up Mount Greylock.
2, Meet other Eco-minded, and advance tech vehicle early adopters. See what mileage is possible in your car.
3, Bikers like to ride for any reason. + Barbecue

I'd be happy with a very small turnout i could count on one hand. So i'm not going to set high expectations for myself. But i will do whatever i can to try to get a good turnout.

I try to be helpful. I'm not an expert.
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