From 26 to 29 MPG in an Oasis/Odyssey minivan!
Before going on a recent family road trip in the 1997 Isuzu Oasis (Honda Odyssey), I removed the factory roof rack, sunroof deflector, and the last remaining window visor. Then I folded the mirrors back. Driving with the cruise control set a couple of MPH over the speed limit (55/65 MPH), I was able to get 29.3 MPG. This van has never gotten better than 26 on this trip. The only hypermiling I did was to only use the A/C downhill. I think an upper grill block and air dam are next!
2000 Honda Insight
2000 Honda Insight
2000 Honda Insight
2006 Honda Insight (parts car)
1988 Honda CRXFi
1994 Geo Metro