26.32mpg, 1998 Forester
26.32 doesn't sound like much, but the vehicle's average performance had been slipping.
I wasn't as cognizant as I should be of its performance because it's mostly Son #2 that drives it, but when I checked the log (I have at least successfully trained him to keep a log) I was horrified to see it was averaging about 19mpg.
19 MPG! Sometimes even lower!
Took it to my friendly local tires-and-brakes guys. $500 later, new discs and calipers at the front.
"Yeah, one caliper was stuck and the disc was pretty warped. You should feel a big difference."
Son #1 just got back from driving from Knoxville to Nashville and back. Round trip: 352.9 miles on one tank. For most of us that would be pretty small potatoes, but for this car, that's in the top five of its longest tanks.
Now I'm not quite so keen to get rid of it.

Lead or follow. Either is fine.