31 MPG city with my 98 Civic
First time I filled up the tank after a tankful of just a little bit of ecomodder driving. Out of 263 miles of driving, only 30 was freeway. I got 31 MPG, and the revised estimate is only 25 (city; 28 combined, although I'm not sure what percentage of each the combined figure is). That's pretty good!
As I said I am not hardcore ecomodder. But I have been consciously applying some of the things I've read about here and elsewhere. In order of importance and how often I do them, I look for opportunities to coast. That really controls when I brake and accelerate, so it is just simpler for me to see when and where and how long I can coast. I have been surprising myself with how often I can do this (when I back out with my automatic Civic from my driveway onto the street, or when I am going to pull into my driveway). Just this one thing will probably help you out a lot, if you aren't ready to become a hardcore ecomodder and get 150 MPG from your 98 Civic.
In addition, I have given myself speed limits for city and freeway: 50 MPH on city streets (of course I'm talking about expressway/boulevards, not residential city streets or school zones) and 60 on the freeway. I am pretty good about observing them but not perfect. My 30 miles on the freeway was all 60 MPH.
Finally, the right lane is your friend. I basically use the left lane only to make a left turn.