Hey glad it went well.
re digits: always on, but the backlight will go off to reduce power/conspicuousness.
re tank page: it's a little complicated, but the unit will go back to the instant in time of the last activity (button press or injector/vss pulse) when it wakes up, assuming it has not seen activity for a while. Really the only thing that would have changed is elapsed time however, so the tank mph might jump back up when it wakes up again. Any lapses in activity less than the timeout period will count against the mph.
re: current, hmm. not sure, sounds like it got a vss spike somehow. Doesn't sound like a huge deal though, would keep an eye on the tank distance/consumption though just to make sure its accurate. It may be some permutation of a low timeout value, dunno.
Unit pulls 20 milliamps with the backlight off. 40ma on low, 60 on med, 80ma on high.
re: tips, here is a general start
100+ Hypermiling / ecodriving tips & tactics for better mpg - EcoModder.com look at your instant and average and try to figure out what works basically. The main thing is that you are now able to get feedback sooner than waiting for the next fillup.