Recently had a success story similar to this one as well. Work as a nurse in Noblesville, IN. Live in Muncie, IN. Daily commute is 40 miles exactly to and from my house. Been at the same facility for 2 years and recently put in a transfer. Beginning next year I'll be working in Anderson, IN which is only a 22 minute drive compared to the 50+. Also get a $2.50 an hour raise per hour and an extra $1 for each hour on the weekend. So $23.50 an hour. Still keeping my 32 hr work week as well! Anything over 30 hrs is considered FT so I'm eligible for medical benefits. Same rules still apply too, no I'm not coming in early, no I'm not staying over, not picking up a shift, not trading a day for anyone, but in exchange I won't call in. I work to live, not live to work. Have 2 kids and enjoy my time with them. Which do you enjoy more? A big paycheck or a day off? Personally, I enjoy my days off much more than I've ever enjoyed a big paycheck. Also, this year I'm paying off all my utilities with my tax check. Pre-pay all utilities by estimating what I spend each year on them. Electric, gas, water, sewage, insurance, cable, phone, internet. Monthly bills bother me. Will feel as though there is more money for each month without those expenses. Anyway, I'm rambling.... : D