Originally Posted by whitevette
This is old wive's tale # 37 ! From a machine's view, it makes little sense. All the lapped seals between the various metals depend on three things - 1) Do not over-heat or over-load. 2) Always provide a clean ( not "clear") lubricant. And 3) Do not abuse ( like your break-in procedure ). There is a definite difference between "lap-in" and "BREAK-in".
Have one of them "nice days."
Quite the contrary, that is actually very true. Race car and bike operators are always looking to squeeze the last drop of horsepower out of an engine, and if 500-1000 miles of gentle run-in on a dyno made 20 extra HP on a 900 HP engine, you can bet they'd do it. But it doesn't. A systematic method of high-load acceleration followed by engine braking usually yields the tightest, and longest-lasting engine possible.
And I know for a fact that stronger engines, all other factors aside, get better mpg when driven easy.