Originally Posted by trebuchet03
I highly question the inspiration behind this kit - and firmly believe that the inspiration was not for less drag.... If it were - they would have installed it on a completely stock Prius... Not on one with a Folgers can sticking out the back.
I'm willing to bet there's no under tray associated with that diffuser - rendering it useless. Why put one there if no one will see it?
Why add the window deflectors? Why change to whisk-like wheels?
Yeah this strikes me as more of a visual upgrade than a functional one. I don't see it hurting FE, but they skipped a lot of low hanging fruit, and the kit sure adds a lot of new petroleum based plastics. Who knows though, there could be an under tray, and maybe the exhaust is tucked nicely into it... but it can't be adding any power to the engine anyway. Worthless bling.
TREB! You live. Working on Jetta CFD at all these days? Maybe I'll have to go find your thread and bump it up. [edit: haha, that was from December. oh well]