I am Matthieu BARREAU, 35, Paris, France.
I am a professor of design / engineering / fluides mechanics/ Thermodynamics etc ... at the IUT de Cachan and fanatic of power optimization.
I have also always been interested in design, I would say philosophically! For me, the art of design: adapting means to ends, it is a form of politeness. How to make a minimum cost.
Curious and eager to learn more about the subject, I quickly participated in the association INTER-ACTION I am an active member and webmaster(association of creative rescue of aérotechnic knowledge )
http:// inter.action.free.fr
In this web site I have write pages about aerodynamic refinement of cars :
Inter Action
Passionate about aviation (flight + glider pilot), but also mechanical design, I eventually want to design and build my own airplane. That's what I do at the IUT with my students: Design of an ultralight bi place, 200 kg payload, 60 hp, 200 km / h cruise 220 km / h max.
It is a lengthy task and each year my students work on part of the aircraft.
I also work on velomobiles and fuel efficient vehicules.
I have wrote a paper on this (sorry in french)
The blog attached to the association for having an overview of what I do with my students:
Many thanks for all your experimentations.
Best regards.