Well guys, first let me apologize for not having more pics other than the finished shots, to be honest, pics of me sanding and the pieces of plastic I used would not make for a good pic album anyhow. These mods however come with a great story, of course ...
This day started with me trolling for a bumper to hack up and weld to my existing front end. So the plan was simple, head out to a U-pick and grab a suitable numper and get to work. Well, my buddy and I head out from the shop and jump on I-95 to head to the U-pick when he yealls STOP, PULL OVER !! Sure enough, on the entrance ramp to the highway was a bumper than someone left behind from an accident earlier in the morning. We looked it over and realized that it would be perfect for the job. So we threw it in the trunk and the rest as they say is history.
For the record this mod is no more practical that the aluminum I had, however, I am someone who strives to have a good looking vehicle no matter what, so I thought the effort was worth the expense. Total cost in materials, $75 + a full day of sanding and prep work. This mod would easily run $400 if dropped off at a body shop you trusted. Next week I fill in the fogs and hopefully paint the entire front end ...
Enjoy the montage of phases this grill has gone through..