I continue to increase my MPG this is so much fun! This modification was simple and pretty much free. My wife suggested using stainless bowls in the cupboard we were not using. Great Idea. I came straight up from the air intake, the shortest distance with the most flow.
One of the neatest tools is affordable hand held angle grinder. Get a good one around $30 on sale. The lighter cheaper ones don't hold up. What a tool, we used to have to use hacksaws, and files, often poor farmers didn't have welding and cutting torches. But with the angle grinder you can cut and shape metal, plastic, wood, just about everything. I have cut metal fence posts, wire fence, rebar, sheet metal, shaped handles for tools, and cut plastics (it melts as it cuts so it doesn't crack). Always wear eye protection, regular eye glasses are not enough. This is how I cut the hole in the hood and made the recycled stainless bowl into a scoop.
With plumbers goop around the edge and 3 self tapping screws tightened it up. Then roughed it up with the grinder, put a little bondo on it and painted it. I do this pretty fast it not for looks it's for performance and because I experiment It's not complete till I reach the highest amount of MPG possible. Then I will analyze the systems and try to get more MPG out of it. At that point I may pretty it up.