So the other day I was busy dodging errant cyclists:
Today I was dodging errant Ford Mustangs.
I was biking toward a T intersection where I was the only direction that didn't have to stop. When I entered the intersection someone in a car blew through the stop sign to turn right in front of me. Except instead of in from of me it was more like, where I would've been if I hadn't swerved to the side. Anyway, I was shook up but I got his license plate number and promptly reported it to the police, who made a report and actually tracked the guy down. Last I heard they were going to confront him about it, haven't heard back. I wonder if it'll be in the school's police blotter.
Anyway, I know a lot of people on here don't think the cops do anything, but I've only reported two driving incidents and both we handled seriously, so, it's worth it if safety is a concern, I think.