So the results are in.... I Filled up today after a LONG - 5 days of driving that started last work week. It was a very interesting five days to say the least!!
My Official Tank Results 67.5MPG/Tank; 536.98 miles, 7.954 gls.
BUT I did allot of 45mph driving. lower when possible - taking country roads for 1/3 of my drive... and then on HWY portions I was doing 55-58mph. I had to purposefully changed my work schedules to place me out of the rush-our windows for my safety (and I was still making plenty of people mad

Because I commute 60miles one-way... the slower routes and driving techniques added 15-20mins per leg... Meaning it added 2.5hrs of extra driving a week
So, although I was able to get a new personal record MPG/Tank for my car...
That is about 12 MPG higher than my average tank.. I still STRONGLY feel that
for me this is not a realistic way driving.
12 Extra MPG * 8 Gallons = 96 More Miles Driven than Average
My Average @ 70MPH Speeds is 55 MPG- SO, 96miles/55mpg= 1.75G @ $2/g = $3.5
The extra 2.5hrs of commuting are not worth the $3.50 savings
If I wanted to waste 2.5hrs I would stay at work the extra time and more than pay for the difference...
But it was a great experience, and I think I will do again whenever major upgrades have been made so that I can measure "max" efficiency gains.