Hi all,
I'm brand new to your site, meaning I haven't been lurking. I immediately felt compelled to join after browsing your posts for 20 minutes or so. You alkl are definitely my kind of people. I'm looking forward to learning a great deal from you all - and hopefully someday returning the favor.
Brief background intro -
I work in IT. Live in the Adirondack Mtns of NY near Lake George. Drive 68 miles one way to work. Current vehicle - 2004 Civic Hybrid 211,000 miles. Squeezing every freakin inch I can out of a gallon of gas is my passion. best avg mpg to date - 53 mpg. Currently only getting around 45 and getting very worried. Thats how I found your forum - googling for an answer.
Mods - Amsoil 0-20W + Amsoil 15 micron 25k oil filter
Running NGK Irridium's
Changed driving habits to avg hwy speed of 56 - 60 (How they hate me on the Interstate)
Favorite car - 97 Saturn SW1 5 spd bought new - avg 40 - 42 mpg. Ran Amsoil entire life other than breakin. Retired at 340,000mi with orig clutch. Only major expense was radiator, other than o2 sensors, plugs, brakes, and egr valves. What a great car - still sits in my buddies barn yard awaiting a rebirth when I can afford to put in a much deserved clutch.
Cheers - Mark