Originally Posted by ShadeTreeMech
The best thing about a 3 wheeler would be a reduction of weight.
But how much lighter will it really be ?
The single wheel needs to carry a bigger load and handle the power on its own, so it's going to be heavier and wider than any one of 4 wheels.
That bigger load is not spread over 2 points, but concentrated in 1 area, increasing the structural demands and weight.
Edison 2 VLC isn't even half the weight on 4 wheels.
That and being able to be closer to the ideal tear drop drag reduction shape.
The Aptera doesn't really use that, but remains wide at the rear instead (a thin, but wide edge).
And less rolling resistance.
RR is a function of weight, so you're not anywhere near to reducing RR by 1/4th by removing 1 out of 4 wheels.
The gains seem marginal compared to the issues a 3-wheeled lay-out brings along.