Another record trip over 40 mpg
I went downstate last night to pick up my daughter for the weekend. Filled up about 35 miles south of work. From there the guino showed 38 mpg the rest of the way there. Then by the time I got home it showed 43.12 mpg, with a high of 43.3 mpg awhile before getting home. Tank average to that point showed 40.56 mpg. I took some pics when I got home last night. Also you can see that the guino tank mileage is dead nuts with the trip odometer.
Keep in mind that the guino typically reads an average of 4 or 5% high on fuel use so it could likely be a tad higher than that, but I like to know that Im always getting at least what it says.
Did some running around town today. Like usual my tank average dropped, but I was able to keep it up pretty good. Over probably 25-30 miles the tank average dropped to 39.5. Still good.
Snow forecasted for tonight, looks like Ill be putting it away real soon, may even take the wagon downstate tomorrow. Looking forward to next season, hoping with more mods 40 mpg highway will be the norm.

Winter daily driver, parked most days right now

Summer daily driver