Originally Posted by BlackDeuceCoupe
I had a guy pass me so close, I could feel the heat off his engine - so I flipped him off. The brake lights came on immediately, and he whipped into a parking lot and waited for me.
LoL! He didn't realize how big I am...
As I came up to his car, he rolled the window up and shouted at me through the 'crack'. I told him to get out and we'll talk about it. He's like, "Nope, not gonna happen" so I kicked his door in...
That didn't work either, so I gave him two fingers in the eyeballs - 3 Stooges style, nyut, nyut, nyut - and left him screaming in pain as I hauled ass.
You might try that next time - very cathartic! 
I hope & assume you're taking some literary license with this story.
As maddening or frightening as some drivers may be, your stated confrontation with this driver shows both of you to be on the wrong side of the law. He could be cited for driving too close to you, and you should be arrested for criminal assault, fleeing the scene, etc.. At the very least, this just hardens his and your attitudes towards other riders/drivers in confrontational mode, making things worse for all.
Personally, I give cyclists as wide a berth as possible, veering into the oncoming lane if available, because I know how scary it can be when cars whiz past. As a cyclist, I never block the lane, ride on the shoulder to let cars past, and keep in mind that people have hectic schedules that should go unimpeded by my recreational riding. It's common courtesy.