Look you really need a marketing specialist with the right contacts, more so than a lawyer.
Most newspapers (in Australia) allow you to pay to get a journo to interview you and then an article printed (proportional in size to the amount you pay), so that it doesn't come across as advertising.
If you have the finances I would get this done in one of the major papers within the states that major companies reside.
You could use the article to challenge the major corporations and/or Government into making this product compulsory or at least testing your claim on a larger scale and then explain to the public why they won't legislate it if it works.
I'm sure the Department of Energy over there would happily run further independent testing of their own and even if the claim is only half as great as you say, you can bet your house that it will filter up the chain of command and finally get of the ground.
That's my 2 mins worth or advice.