Originally Posted by NeilBlanchard
I know the other points often get the lime light .. but for me at least .. This is the elephant in the the room.
I live in a sue happy society .. a sue happy country .. a sue happy world.
If you dangle a multi-$$$Billion net worth OEM carrot/incentive in front of people .. the suing will 'come out of the wood work'.
Even when the car has no 'pain free' choices .. any choice it makes , results in liability .. hit the 8yr old or the 80yr old .. hit the fence or hit the kid .. etc .. etc.
Weather it's good or bad .. I don't expect the sue happy society/country/world I live in to change any time soon.
And the OEM's lawyers all know this .. and will put up the red flags all day every day.
This isn't to say it will stop it from ever happening .
I think a very slow many decade long roll out of small steps .. will eventually come to market .. but not any time soon.
I think it will continue to be tiny steps .. park assist .. Brake Assist .. lane change assist .. cruise control .. etc .. tiny steps each slowly decade by decade becoming more and more common place .. OEMs gathering more and more data about what the $cost will be to them , vs the higher prices they can charge for putting it in the car .. cost not just to R&D or to make and distribute .. but also the $ cost of all that liability .. all those law suits .. etc.
Even as it does slowly come to market .. I expect it will easily be ~50 years before even around ~10% of the cars on the road would be driving fully autonomously.
Even if all the technological and liability and everything else were solved tomorrow .. it just isn't in the OEM's best interest to roll out much faster than that ~50 years.
OEMs maximize their profits and income .. by getting people to buy again and again as often as possible .. It is not in there interest (and they don't want) you to use a ~6 year old cell phone like I still do .. or drive a 19 year old car like I still do .. etc.
It doesn't matter if they have the iPhone8 tech ready when they are selling the iPhone2 .. they don't want to skip all of those profit cycles or the 3,4,5,6,7.
They want to sell a given model for say ~4 years (+/-) .. then they want to make the smallest improvements needed for you to buy the next model .. which they sell for ~4 years .. then they again make the smallest improvements needed for you to buy the next model ... etc .. etc.
If they could convince everyone to buy new model every year they would do models and the small improvements each model year that way .. if the consumers only bought new models every 15-20 years then that's the cycle the OEM would make those small improvements.
But that's just my 2 bits.