You can replace the springs in the struts by elastomeres.
That specific GoOne has a problem with the 2nd of the two idlers. For some unknown reason the chain is not guided anymore if the two or three innermost chain rings were used. I did not notice that when i bought the bike - the deraillor had been adjusted simply to block these gears. That must have been done long ago by one of the previous owners (it had been sold quite often). The majority of the GoOne 3s apparantly did not have that problem.
Workaround / solution: implement an idler that can move sideward with the chain. You'll find that in many recent velomobiles.
Here my modification - i still need to give it another 2mm toward the right, but i can at least use all gears.
BTW: i was aware of the Aurora project, but unaware that the owner is a momber of this community.