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Old 06-27-2008, 12:05 PM   #1 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: Syracuse, NY
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CaféMonster - '97 Ducati Monster m750
90 day: 33.52 mpg (US)

Renzo - '88 Ducati Paso

Sube - '05 Subaru Legacy 2.5i

Rover - '94 Land Rover Discovery Series 1
90 day: 14 mpg (US)
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Boy howdy!

dakboy just pointed me here, so I figured why not check it out. Looks interesting ...

So I'm Jake, I live in central NY, father of 2 under the age of 5. When the four of us are out, we're in our '05 Subaru Legacy sedan, which we love. That car's done great hauling us up & down the coast, even with a box on top or pulling a covered trailer with a motorcycle in it. I'm not sure how accurate the onboard CPU is, but I 've managed to get it to read 37mpg after an oil change, tires aired up and a 100mi jaunt up the highway @ ~75mph. On the other hand ... I've also got a 14yo Land Rover Disco with almost 100k on the clock. At least it's a manual, but it's fulltime 4wd. "Gas conservation" wasn't exactly written into its charter. But last year I put fewer than 2k on it. I think I filled it up 11 times in 12 months ...

I don't know that I'll ever get into 'hypermiling' status, but my daily driver usually gets something north of 30mpg and that's when I drive like a real jerk. I've seen ~55mpg when riding conservatively. Of course, in our defense, it has half the wheels of any car. I'm usually found on one of a pair of Ducatis, as long as it's not snowing and sometimes if it's raining (but not usually on purpose)

So, I might be a little 'black sheep' compared most folkson here , but considering the threats of $7/gal going around, I'm working on mrs.fasterdammit to acquiesce to letting me buy a 400cc one-lung enduro, throw some knobbies on it and I'll ride 2 wheels all year 'round. No luck yet, but I'm working on it.


Just because you're not dead doesn't necessarily mean you're living, either.
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Old 06-27-2008, 02:03 PM   #2 (permalink)
Dartmouth 2010
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Vegan Powa! - '91 Honda CRX DX
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Welcome to ecomodder, . I didn't know they were threatening $7/gallon already,

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