I just filled up my tank and did the calculations : 28.4 MPG.
This is for my automatic 1993 Honda Civic DX hunchback. Why so low ?....well the car has been sitting for the last six months with me replacing fuel pumps and such and priming the pump quite often to test it ( the problem turned out to be a bad ECU )
What bothers me is the reading on my SuperMID which was fairly accurate before +/- 5 MPG or less.
Without changing the parameters, it is now saying that my last trip of 15.63 Kilometers resulted in a consumption of
7.63 km/l and that my average speed was 4 Km/h ! Speed is
WAY off !
If the distance parameter is correct, how could the speed parameter be so far off ?
The distance parameter seems correct compared to what my odometer reading says, but what could cause the other readings to be off ?
I know that the wiring to the injector wire is making good contact with the wire to the SuperMID, so i'm really puzzled.
I just replaced my VSS with a new part since the original one seemed to be faulty. The new one is now also acting strange and the needle is bouncing around.
Could any transmission damage cause strange symptoms like this ?
I have a habit of coasting with the car in Neutral and the engine revs really high when i slip back into gear if i am going less than 45 mph. ( engine on coasting )